Charter File
Properly managing insalubriousness remains a constant concern for our office. Year after year, we intervene to improve the quality of the City’s interventions in these types of cases.
In 2017, three files are highlighted because they all yielded the same positive results.
Arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal
Tenants struggling with water infiltration and mold issues are not pleased with the Borough’s interventions. When we intervene, the file had been taken over by the Direction de l’habitation (Central Department) who has a team of experts in the management of housing insalubriousness. Our enquiry focuses exclusively on the Borough’s interventions before the file was transferred.
Arrondissement de Verdun
The OdM launches an own motion enquiry in order to understand the management of mold-related complaints by the Borough. A previous file had raised doubts over the control checks to ensure that work performed by a landlord to eradicate mold is not simply cosmetic in nature.
Arrondissement de Lachine
A couple with three children is dealing with a significant mold issue in their dwelling. They complain that the Borough was late in declaring the dwelling unfit for habitation and issuing them a Notice of Evacuation.
The three files shed light on the gaps in mold management cases. The Boroughs are open to improving their procedures.
The three Boroughs agree to provide their inspectors with specific training on appropriate management of insalubriousness and mold issues. This training is provided by an expert from the Direction de l’habitation. The training sessions explain how to properly monitor mold-related files: they also ensure that the City interventions are standardized and adequate.
Two of the inspection teams have been trained in 2017; the third team will be trained in 2018.