A. The OdM has jurisdiction over the central departments, the boroughs, the para-municipal agencies and the City-controlled corporations of Ville de Montréal.
The OdM has broad powers of investigation and all City representatives/employees must provide all information and documents requested by the Ombudsman or her team.
If, following an investigation, the OdM identifies a problematic situation that she is not able to settle amicably, she will then issue a formal Recommendation to request that corrective measures, that she deems appropriate, be taken.
The OdM power is one of RECOMMENDATION and not of decision or order. The concerned director, however, must confirm in writing, whether he or she intends to follow this Recommendation, how soon and if not, why.
Her power is one of recommendation and not one of decsion or order. The director in question still has to confirm, by writing, if he intends to follow up this Recommendation, in what amount of time and why.
The OdM cannot order City representatives to do something. The OdM, however, has a very strong moral authority and, in fact, more than 90% of her Recommendations are accepted and followed.
Moreover, if she deems it appropriate, the OdM may publicly comment on a file.