Service des affaires juridiques
Due to confusion created by Ville de Montréal, several parking tickets had been issued along bicycle paths kept open for the first time during the winter. All the unpaid Statements of Offence were later cancelled. In the interest of fairness, the OdM seeks the reimbursement of all the statements issued in the same context, but already paid at the time of this cancellation, whether or not the citizen has contacted our office.
The Service des affaires juridiques agrees with our comments. However, the reimbursement of paid Statements of Offence poses a problem. The Legal Department must conduct a thorough analysis of the legal framework in search of a procedure that would allow these reimbursements. This exercise proves to be complex. Multiple levels of authorization are required; the process takes several months.
In July 2018, the City confirms that all these Statements of Offence in question (118 statements) were reimbursed, for a total of $6,254.