Charter File
Our 2016 Annual Report outlined an important file that led to the withdrawal of nearly 250 Parking Tickets issued alongside a bicycle path, when there was confusion as to its opening and closing schedule in winter: this was the North-South path, known as the Boyer Bicycle Path. We had announced that we would pursue our intervention to ensure that the 109 citizens who had already paid their Statement of Offence at the time of the withdrawal would be reimbursed.
New File in 2017
Following a new complaint filed in 2017, the OdM finds out that 17 Statements of Offence had also been issued in the same period (around November 15, 2016) alongside the Mentana/Saint-Grégoire segment of the bicycle path. Our enquiry reveals that there was also confusion as to the opening and closing schedule in winter of this path’s segment.
The City agrees to cancel the 8 Statements of Offence that have been disputed; however, 9 of them had already been paid. We engage in talks with the City to have these Statements of Offence also reimbursed, as with the 109 above-mentioned files.
Reimbursement Procedures
At the end of 2017, the Service des affaires juridiques confirms that the modalities retained for reimbursement will be adopted in 2018. These modalities are complex: they require that the City Council and the Agglomeration Council delegate to Ville de Montréal‘s Executive Committee the authority to reimburse said Statements. The negotiations to this end begin in February 2018. Our office continues to monitor the file.