In her 2004 Annual Report, the Ombudsman de Montréal had mentioned that she had received numerous complaints with regard to social housing which, in Ville de Montréal, falls under the jurisdiction of OMHM.
In her 2005 Annual Report, the Ombudsman de Montréal noted that OMHM was planning to set up a Bureau des plaintes, for 2006. The Ombudsman de Montréal team offered its full support to the persons responsible to set up and to run this new office.
This project took concrete form and the OMHM Bureau des plaintes began its activities on March 15, 2006. According to our information, 457 requests were handled by this office in 2006, whereas in 2007, the number of new requests went up to 814.
This Bureau des plaintes clearly responded to a need and the OMHM efforts to make this office better known were obviously fruitful.